Rabu, 28 November 2012

Environmental Adulterating Management Strategy

Environment problem caused by things, one of it resident growth. Human population growth that excelsior causes economy activity also increase quick. Economic activity / development that progressively increases to contain jeopardy sacrilege and environment so structure impairment and ecosystem basic function that becomes life supporting become to wreck. That thing constitute social charges that on eventually human too which will take on its cure cost.

In explanation on Statute number 23 years 1997 about Environment management are named that Indonesian longterm development aim is economic development with gets bank on industrial development that amongst those utilizes various chemical material type and radioactive substance.

Over and above result product that society benefit, industrialization also evoke excess, for example resultant it waste that if is discarded to environmentally will get to threaten environment that life is alone, human viability and other living thing.

Environmental sacrilege: Definition, Source and Operation
Environment sacrilege is its input or be inserted living thing,substance,energy and or other component into environment by man so quality activity it is down until environmental causative particular zoom can't function to accord destines it.

Environmental Adulterating category is:
- soiled sacrilege
- water sacrilege
- air sacrilege

1. Soiled sacrilege
Soiled adulterating definition is: Its input is waste into soiled one begets earth function be down (as hard and infertile) so can't again back up human activity.
Soiled adulterating sources get to come from domestics, industry and also agricultural.
  1. Domestic waste e.g. buangan oleaginous kitchen / fat if continually discarded to go to earth media will cause earth pore is closed and earth becomes hard.
  2. unworked industrial waste if is discarded to soiled media will also wreck earth, e.g. factory waste knows that gets acid character will wreck earth.
  3. Agricultural activity as dunging by manures brand chemical constitute greatest factor that causing farmlands structured damage.
Begrimed earth on eventually take in impact for human. Farmland already experiences damage (changed structured and kimiawinya's formation) as hard, even farm productivity that menurun will (pointed out by crop result that progressively gets down from year to go to year).

2. Water sacrilege
Its input is waste into water that beget water function is down so can't again back up human activity and causing arises it penyediaan's problem fresh water. A part greatest one causing water sacrilege is waste molten from industry,beside solid waste as waste as domestic.

Waters Adulterating sources
Effect water sacrilege human activity not only because of family waste, but also by
agricultural waste and industry waste. Progressively increases it industry developing, and while agricultural
this, apparently progressively aggravate water sacrilege zoom, air, and earth. That sacrilege is reverential
by buangan's result of that activity.
Water sacrilege basically happens since direct waste water be discarded to warm up water or even goes to earth
without experience processing process earlier, or processing process that is done haven't is equal to.
Waste processing aims to minimize that aught sacrilege zoom non-threatening environment. 
Waters Adulterating sources Cover:
a. Family waste
Family waste constitutes pencemar water is outgrown besides industry wastes, agricultural and material another pencemar. Family waste will contaminate gutter, well, an river, and its vicinity environment. The greater man population, sacrileges level excelsior it. Family waste can as padatan (paper, plastic etc..) and also liquid (washing water, cooking oil ex, etc.). Between that waste available one be easily which is been decomposed organic waste and there is too which can't ravel. Family waste available also that has to energi tall poison, e.g. doctor rest, ex battery, storage battery water. That waste perilous material ranks and toxic (B3). Excrement, washing water, bathroom waste can contain disease seed or pencemar biologis  (as bacteria, xylariaceae, virus, etcetera) one that will follow current. 

b. Traffic waste
Traffic waste as oli's spill, kerosene, oil spill of tangker's ship. Spill accident effect oil oil tank cars can dirty ground waters. Besides land happening, traffic sacrilege also frequent ocean happening. Every thing breakneck for life.

c. Agricultural waste
Agricultural waste as residuary as, spill or spraying even that excessive e.g. of pesticide and herbicide. So also dunging which laids it on thick. Pesticide and herbicide waste has chemical property one that stable, which is doesn't be decomposed at nature so that substance will precipitate in earth, basic an river, lake and salt water and further will regard organism livings in it. On using up manures excessive brand will cause eutrofication on warms up water / openended waters.

Tacling adulterating water gets to be done through : 
  • Changing society behaviour 
  • Pool makings / waste processing font moltens
1. Changing Society Behaviour
Naturally, water ecosystem can do water. This ability available its bounds. Therefore needs to be endeavored to prevent and tacklinging water sacrilege. To settle water sacrilege can do preventif's effort, e.g. with not discarding waste and industry waste goes to river. Wont discards waste go to river and at bungling place ought to being extirpated by memberlakukan regulation that is applied at environment each consistent ala. Waste ought to being discarded on place already being determined. Society around an river needs to revamp behaviour about that river exploit river no longer is used as dump and latrine wash bath (MCK).
Industrial waste discharge regulation ought to been monitored its performing and dijatuhi's offender reprieves. Industrial waste ought to been processed erstwhile with waste processing tech, and afters measures up water quality standard buangan can just be streamed to gutters or an river. Thus will most compose clear river and has ecological function.

Action that Needs to be done by Society:
1. Don't discard waste or waste moltens to go to river, lake, salt water etc..
2. Don't utilize river or lake for place washes truck, car and motorbike
3. Don't utilize river or lake for mode baths breed and as place of latrine
4. Don't drink water of an river, lake or well without cooked preceding

2. Processor Pool Makingses Waste Molten
Now beginning encouraged by furnished Privy makings septic tank at region / environmentally which
averagely its resident have no Urinoir. Each ten house are provided one Privies. Such effort really amicable with environment, a bargain and healthy because gets to avoid well water sacrilege / water earth.
Besides, have while it was endeavored by makings water processing pool buangan (washing water, room water bath, etc.) collegial, that that waste is indirect being streamed to gutter or an river.

For industry waste did by streams begrimed water to in a few pool then  cleared, well mechanical ala (mixing), kimiawi (given by given chemical substance) and also biologis (given by bacteria, algae or another water plant). On last pool to be petted fish to test water hygiene from polutan is perilous. Reaction fishes out to pretty much influence polutan is analyzed. Water thus that may stream issue (gutter, an river etc..) only water that don't begrimed. One of phase example processes buangan's water processing is as follows:
a ) primary handle Process, which is come to pieces buangan's water of padatan's materials that precipitates or float.
b ) secondary handle Processes, which is material decomposition processes padatan biologis's alae
c ) tertiary precipitation Processes, which is remove phosphorus component and padatan tersuspensi, dissolved or color and odor.

To it can utilize severally method hinges on component that want to be removed.
- Precipitation, which is whitewashed added chemical trick or metal is hydroxide to precipate phosphorus.
- Adsorbsi, which is remove dissolved organic matters, chromatic or odor.
- Elektrodialisis, which is down dissolved salt concentrations by use of energy electricity
- Osmosis, which is reduce organic salt contents and also mineral of waters
- Klorinasi, which is remove diseased cause being

Step processes buangan's water processing not always been done as upon, but dependent on resulting waste type. End product as water not begrimed ready one to be streamed to warm up water and slime that readily been brought off more. Base research, water plant as enceng thyroid can utilized to absorb underwater sacrilege material.

3. Air sacrilege
Air sacrilege is its input waste into air one begets air function be down so can't again back up man activity. Air sacrilege because of mote,smoke vehicle and of industry smokestack and chemical gas of chemical industry.

Air adulterating source gets dogolongkan as 2, which is:
- Moving source
- Unmovable source

a. Sacrilege of source moves, e.g. because of issue of motor vehicle, particularly if burn in that vehicle machine was inefficient.
b. Sacrilege of still source, e.g. smoke of factory burn rest. Air sacrilege can evoke various impact for example:
Health trouble
pneumokoniosis / is asphyxia.
klorofluorokarbon, nitrogen oxide, etcetera) will evoke penipisan ozone layer / ozone depleting.
acid rain / acid rain.
Air Adulterating operation
catching dust.

Severally its happening fact environmental quality decrease at Regency Bondowoso Even constitute small town and amount industry not overdose, Bondowoso don't miss of environmental quality decrease problem for example:
Probable Number) Source: Yana Suryana and Sumadi in Water quality seminar at Regency Bondowoso,
Year 2003. And annual analysis by Year Environment Office 2007 Kijing. Source: Participant Observation reporting river brink Days LH as world as Yr 2003.

Staregi is Sacrilege Operation
A variety adulterating operation effort via various Program / activity, for example:
- Performances developmental program about waste
- Program adulterating operation and environment impairment;
- Healthy city estimation coordination / adipura
- Environmental quality monitoring
- Policy performing observation environment area
- Environmental laboratory building development
- Operations increasing program pollution


Contamination of Environment

Environment and impact sacrilege its for man to become topic that get main attention lately. It is caused because getting damage it that human activity effect environment alone.

Environment sacrilege is cover water sacrilege, earth and impacted air to man and another life being.

1. Water sacrilege
As one I writes in advance about water sacrilege impact to man, this water sacrilege begat by family waste rubbish dump into an river, laundry's waste, industrial waste and another one gets to poison even deadening and botanical along hundreds meters. Besides it also river water seepage also contaminate well water along streaming an river it. 

2. Soiled sacrilege
Soiled sacrilege because of family waste discharge and industry. Alone family waste is divided as 2 a part, namely organic waste and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste who can be decomposed by earth via the process of obsolence as paper, leaf, vegetable rest, wood, etc.. And inorganic waste is waste that can't or hard decomposed by earth, as plastic as, iron, glass, rubber and another.

Besides water buangan detergen and chemical substance of agricultural (for example: insektisida) can also evoke earth sacrilege.

Effects soiled sacrilege inorganic waste discharge and material chemical another get to down earth fecundity and accordingly plant will slow its growth. 

3. Air sacrilege
Pencemar airs to get gaseous and particle. Its example as follows.

a. HzS's gas. This gas gets poison character, available at flaming mountain area, can also be resulted of petroleum burn and smoulder stone.
b. CO's gas and COz. Carbon monoxide (CO) colourless and odorless, get toxicant character, constituting imperfect burn result of material buangan car and explosive machine. COZ'S gas in total ozone 0,03%. If exceed tolerance can trouble respiration. Besides, over C02 gas excessive at earth can tie-up the sun heat so hot earth temperature. Global instillation at earths C02'S effect is called also as effect of greenhouse.
c. SOZ'S particle and NO2. Both of particle it stands up with particle moltening to form dew, forming cloud near soiled one gets to trouble respiration. Solid particle, e.g. bacteria, xylariaceae, virus, fur, and pollen can also trouble health.
d. Petrify smoulder that contain sulphur via burn will result dioxide sulphur. Dioxide sulphur stands up with to air and oxygen and the sun shines gets to result acid sulphur. Acid it form fog and a while will fall the so called as rain acid rain. Acid rain can cause trouble on human, animal, and also plant. E.g. respiration trouble, changing morphology on leaf, bar, and seed.

Pollution source airs other get to come from radioactive material radiation, e.g., nuclear. After nuclearic detonation, radioactive material turns in at atmosphere and laid low at earth. this radioactive material that terakumulusi will at soiled, water, animal, plant, and also on man. Nuclearic adulterating effect to living thing, in given level, can cause mutation, a variety abnormality effect disease gene, and even death.

Stated air sacrilege with ppm (part per million) with the meaning total cm3 polutan per m3 airs.

Human unity with its Environment

1.Influence sorts NatureAs well as another life being, man continually gets interaction with its environment. Man regards its environment, conversely, it also being regarded by its environment. As is man, which is fenotipenya formed by interaction among Genotipe and its environment. Genotipe not also constant, but perpetually experiences changing since mark sense mutation to mark sense mutation on gene in its chromosome, well spontanous mutation and also mutation because environment influence.

With happening gene mutation, therefore man, although just comprise of one type, which is gay msapiens, but variety (diversity) genotipenya really outgrows. This happening on human forbear where with marks sense genotipenya's variety therefore opportunity openended outgrows to its happening nature selection.

That selection happening passes through nature factor, and of course also via cultural social force. Happening fact Just individual suitably or gets to conform by its environment can amends. Thing that is that espouse man evolution of its forbear, Australopithecus africanus, as modern man, sapiens's gay.

2.Picture domiciles Man in environmentsPlace domiciles man be intermediated by environment it can be seen of two facets:
First: of behavioural structure facet and ability.
Can be sorted as follows:
· Inorganic level (off object): just have weight and style, move don't alone willingness settle.
· Plant levels: have had life to get growing, but is still dependent on tries a fall her outboard.
· Animal level: there is life and growth, there is spirit and the will that bases regularity (insting,instinct).
· Human level: having equipment as being of life that gets the will and discreet kindness, one that thus principally gets to have done terminological willingness thyself. 
This thread get as follows been figured:
Animal level
Organic level
Inorganic level
Source: Fredy Buntaran, OFM, Sister Earths...,
In this view man lies on superordinate than object position or another being.
Both of: Of position facet in entirely ecosystem get as follows been figured: 
Source; Fredy Buntaran, OFM, Sister Earths

In image upon visible that man is at another elements, are not above and nor under another one. In view all element forms an ecosystem circle that gets bearing each other. Man and elements anothering to give contribution to all ecosystem of its place each. Position as this is that more reflect relationship among elements in an interdependence relationship each other.

Developing Concept in point about environment
Of many explanation hit manner theory about environment, added by picture hits relationship and man position in universe, need formulated a grasp and getting better attitude and accounts for to environment. Grasp that progressively correct is understanding one push on attitude and behaviour that progressively secures keberlangsungan all life process that exists in this universe, including amongst those, man.

1. Environmental manner theories Was described about drd manners main theory environmental: antroposentrisme, biosentrisme and ekosentrisme. Drd it is same strove for liabilities and man accountability to nature. Antroposentrisme, there are many is accused as source of its happening exploits environment. But this theory regular charges man readiness to pet its environment. biosentrisme's theory, centralizing attention on the whole life which have point on itself, attention is not just be attributed to man but also to other living being besides man. ekosentrisme's theory offer grasp that progressively is equal to about environment. Expanded moral care, so ranges ecological community the lot, well the living one and also not. Ekosentrisme that progressively been expanded deep deep ecology and ecosophy, really excite man grasp about behalf all ecological community. Deep ecology charges a new manner that don't get to center to man, but gets center on the whole life in terms effort settle environment problem. One that as moral the world center is not just again man, but all species, including non-human species. Deep ecology is not just a only philosophical grasp about environment, but one konkrit's movement and practical environment saving. This is view which better we develop consistently.

2. Deep ecology and its development
ekosentrisme's concept gets to be expanded and is deepened theory thru deep ecology, as it were popularized by Arne Naess, one that call basic of its philosophy about environment as ecosophy, namely wisdom manages to live in harmony with nature. Human thus wittingly full, asked for to build a kindness and the will wisdom, a life style that progressively in harmony with nature.
There is 8 deep ecology's principles that can see as view that averagely been followed by deep ecology's supporting.
  1. Welfare and is fine from manusiawi's life and also life is not manusiawi at earths, having intrinsik's point. This point not pending of useful don't it the world be not manusiawi for the purpose man.
  2. Wealth and life form varieties, menyumbangkan to materialize it this point and constitutes alone points.
  3. Man don't deserve to reduce wealth and this variety, but to meet the need vital.
  4. Are fine from life and man culture can be geared by reduced its substansia's ala population. Be fine life is not manusiawi requires to be reduced its that population.
  5. Human interference with world non-human now outsize, and situation deteriorates with quick.
  6. In consequence common policy shall changed. That policy concern basic structures at economic area, technology and ideology. Evoked situation as it were result it will variably exhaustively with present structures.
  7. Changing ideological is particularly price life quality (its mean, man can stay behind deep situation which valuably inheren), and doesn't get to hold on life default that excelsior. Will arise visceral consciousness will difference among big(=amount) and great(=quality).
  8. They who agree items in advance honor bound straightforward and indirect to labour arrange changing one need.
Man just can utilize this nature after utility on her while paying attention regular being petted of it environment continuity. Harmony that really and balance that healthy among man requirement and preservation environmentally charges also nature rout by human tech wisdom. Because of two following extreme attitudes have to be refused: First, see and treats nature in as much as good for man and gain control it in as much as enabled by technology ability one eye; and the second one is, ism ’ nature mysticism ’ in as much as that ism looks on that this the world has to be accepted pitches upon and may not at what apakan by man. Both of view it is first, memutlakkan interferes man to nature, and the second one refuses absolutely man interference to nature.

3. Human correct position deep.Deep ecology's view estimable because place man as part of nature. View ekosentrisme can also insofar correct that view not undone man of nature. Nature really have intrisik's point, that don't cling to its benefit for man. But then, we need also realistic see that teknokratis's approaching have taken in benefit that not necessarily even not necessarily been removed again. One that has to be refused is teknokratis's approaching that wreck nature and not pets it. On the contrary, if we accept ekosentrisme, we may not fall deep extreme other, which is ” ekofasisme ”, whereabouts man as individual is sacrified to nature as overall as [vii]  Just man that our naming ’ persona ” that have special dignity, that don't be had by another life being. Biospherical egalitarianisme cannot be right if slated as equation of dignity all being lives.

Admitting that whole being has deep point itself, including in such event human, may not take in degree cut back consequence and man dignity as the one only of being at earths it who have kindness and free will mind. But then special dignity imposition to human person, few unreduced nature dignity even, but just increased. With idiosyncrasy that its proprietary, man becomes being the one only live that has a moral responsibility, to itself and also its environment. Therefore, via man, nature is in control of try fortune.

Environment and Conservation

What do intended with environment? That mendasar's question shall most answering before farther step about pelestarian environment. Environment constitutes life room that consists many interacting component poised ala. Process this interaction because of function which variably of each each living thing individual and try to look after and keep existences and its function. Component that exists in that life room is:
1. Environmentally physical (inorganic), environmentally which consisting of cosmical style and fisigeografis: earth, air, water, radisai, attractive force, wave etcetera.
2. Environmentally biological (organic), all something which gets biotis's character.
3. Environmentally social, consisting of:
• Fisiososial, which is that cover materiil's culture: equipment, weapon, machine, building etcetera.
• Biososial is man and non-human, which is man and interaction to its humanity and therewith animal domestic plant and all material which utilized by indigenous man organic source.
• Psikososial, which is that in reference to demeanour bathin man, as attitude, view, wish, confidence. It visually of custom, religion, ideology, language etc.
4. Environmentally komposit, which is environment which is managed institutionally, as institute of societies.
Nurse Environmentally
Environmentally nature and brand has to be looked after and petted by all the best. Environmentally nature and guarded brand its continuity will continually give benefit for human. Following some way in pets environmentally nature and aught brand around us.
1. Trick Pets Nature Environment 
The living one plant at forest and at mountain can function to keep up water, air, and earth. Botanical root can function as detention of water, so won't happen flood and erosion upon energetic rain. Erosion and flood causes uppermost geology will adrift come on. Eventually uppermost geology is lush the most. Forest also so-called with world lung. Plant that is at forest result oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. It happens upon plant does to process photosynthesis. Livings thing needful oxygen to get breath
a. Looking after Water continuity.
b. Looking after Air continuity.
c. Looking after Soiled fecundity.

2. Trick Pets Brand Environment.
a. Police Environmentally.
b. Keep clean Environmentally.
c. Keeping clean Aquarium.

3. Example Behaviouraling To Pet Environmentally Nature and Brand.
Good behavioural example deep pet river is with not discard waste and waste goes to river, since gets to contaminate and dirties river. Besides waste which is discarded at river can also cause its happening flooding disaster.
Besides river, ketampakan is nature and brand who shall look after its continuity is forest. Forest available one experiences and available artificial one. Natural forest is aught forest by itself as creature God That Esa Mighty. Artificial forest is deliberate forest made by man for various intent and its life behalf. The most forest benefit main is that of water repository and prevent its happening banjirdan's disaster landslide. Therefore, we may not wreck forest. Guarded mandatory forest its continuity by hews to choose (hewing tree by chooses elderly tree and ready to been hewn) and reforestation. Reforestation is instilling return cashew tree at forest. Sawah constitutes to sample deliberate brand environment made by man. Farmer plants out sawah's paddy. Of plant out farmer paddy get cooked rice as rice as alimentary as subject everyday. To be able to get maximal result farmer has culture its agricultural farm with every consideration, as purpose of manure that really, good watering system, and earth culture  with every consideration. The Attempts that constitute maintenance and preservation of environmentally nature and brand.

Environment Problem For Human

Environmental problem gets long time the greater, extend, and serious. Snowball supposing that wheels, progressively long time the greater. Its problem is not just get local character or translokal, but regional, national, trans is national, and global. Happening impact to environmentally not only braced on a or two facet just, but brace braces to correspond to environment character that has multi relationship link that subsystem ala interplay. If one aspect of environment strikes problem, therefore another aspect sort will experience impact or effect too.

On its beginning environment problem constitute nature problem, namely scene which happen as part of process natural. This natural's process happens without incuring meaning effect for manner environmentally it is alone and gets pulih then by nature (homeostasi).

But then, now environment problem no longer get as been said problem that purely gets nature, since man gives causal factor that really signifikan variable ala for scenes environmentally. Can't be denied that environmental problems that come into the world and amends because man factor much greater and elaborate (complicated) as compared to that nature factor is alone. Man is with various its dimension, particularly with growth mobility factor it, mind collects thoughts with all culture aspect developings it, and just after even with term process factor or epoch that change character and man view, constituting more factor correct being concerned to environment problems.

Therefore, lingkunganm's problems as krusakan natural resourceses, forest reserve depreciations, its disappears various hayati's species, erosion, flood, even effloresce diseased types last it, believed to constitute negative phenomena that dominantly stemmed of that man factor is alone. so, well-grounded if is said, whereabouts available environmental problem therefore there available man.

To environmental problems as adulterating as, flood, landslide, gaga! crop because harna, aridity, destroyed scarce animal species sort, farm becomes barren, elephant and tiger troubles resident gathering place, and another, in order to preventive system (preventive) and tacling (repressive) one that is done for it, won't effective if just handled by physical paradigm, science and technology, or economy. But since previous factor, its solution paradigm shall too involve all humanistis's aspect. Therefore in such event, ilrnu humaniora's knowledge role as sociology, anthropology, psychology, law, health, religi, etologi, etcetera so strategics in environment problem approaching.

Between Human and Environment

Beautiful and abiding nature is a cherished mankind. Beautiful and abiding nature constitute surety for man viability and all aught life coat in it. But, fact shows that nature have a lot of experiences damage, even have at the door its destruction, by u alone man. Its cause begins from view that insufficiently even imprecise to nature, one that see nature as deep pocket, one that always ready at exploitation when and whereabouts only, and by whom only, to take needful things and letting pitches upon things that don't be required. To secure our viability and next generation viability, in good atmosphere and agreeable and to secure continuity of life coat sort that is at nature, therefore unlikely we shall revamp deep see and treat nature. Changing attitude it is not just because nature so necessary for man, but since nature with various streaked life whatever available in it, having point in itself, one that has to be respected and is protected. With view and getting better conduct and on the nose to nature, therefore environment getting better and on the nose to nature, therefore environment and development, two highlights and very basic for man life, can be developed concurrently, in relationship each other backs up.

Man and environment (nature) having relationship so hand in glove. Both mutually give and take big influence each other. Nature influence to men more gets passive character, meanwhile man influence to more nature gets active character. Man has eksploitatif's ability to nature so can change it appropriate one be wanted. And despite of nature don't memilikim make mouth water and eksploitatif's active ability to man, but slow but must, what happen on nature, directly or indirect, will feel its influence for man life. Environmentally which is beautiful and abiding will take in positive influence for health and even man safety; on the contrary, environmentally which deteriorates for man life. eksploitatif manipulatif's action to nature will beget damage directing to nature, and at second hand that thing will impacted negative for man life in particular, and other being sort life in a general way. On the contrary, if man points out affection bigging to nature, by pets and keep up it, therefore nature will secure man viability in comfortable atmosphere and agreeable.

Environment can define to get is defined as:
Region whereabouts one a being of life lies. 
Situation / condition of that girdle life a being.
Entirely situation which cover life a being or being horde lives, particularly:
1. Combine of a variety physical condition outside being lives that regards growth, developing and being ability lives to withstand life.
2. Affiliate of condition of social and culturizes that influential on situation a being individual lives or a congregation / being community live.

Environmental terminology and environment or oftentimes man environment utilized by silih change in same savvy.

If that environment concerned by law / its management order, therefore authority region limitation management in environmentally that has to be clear.

Indonesian Environment definition.

Environment for indonesian nation is not other constitute Archipelago Knowledge, one that stays position to traverse among two continents and two oceans with climatic tropical and weather and season that give natural and position condition by plays a part tall strategics its point, indonesian nation place evens out life to get state in all its aspect.

Judicially therefore knowledge in evens out penegakan environment management law at Indonesian is Archipelago Knowledge.

International agreement About Indonesia Environment includes in agreement: Biodiversity, Changing Climate, Desertifikasi, Threatened species, Perilous waste, Maritime law, Ujicoba's prohibition Nuclear, Ozone Layer protection, Pollution Bounds Fast, About wood Tropical 83, About wood Tropical 94, Wet plain, Changing Kyoto's Protocol Climate (UU 17 / 2004), Life protection Goes Out To Sea (1958) with UU 19 / 19 Environment Problem at Indonesian. Nature danger: flood, elongated drought, tsunami, earthquake, flaming mountain, forest fire, boggy mountain, landslide.

A. Environment Manner theory
Attitude and someone behaviour to something so prescribed by how its view to that something, If thing something is viewed as behoof and essential, therefore attitude and behaviour to that something is more a lot of gets character to price. On the contrary if thing something is seen and is understood as yangn's something is a dead loss and inessential, therefore attitude and emerging behaviour more a lot of gets character to ignore, even wrecks.. Man has particular view on nature, where is pendangan that have become base for action and man behaviour to nature. Of many manner view already effloresce about natures in here will be worked through three main theories, one that knew by Shallow Environmental Ethics, Environmental Ethics's intermediate, and Deep Environmental Ethics. Theory third this recognised also as antroposentrisme, biosentrisme, and ekosentrisme [i]  Drd it will try to enlighten by piece, while sights it critica.
1. Antroposentrisme

Antroposentrisme (antropos = man) are a view that place man as center as of universe system. This view is meaty that thinking all policy which is taken about environment shall assess to base man and its behalf. So, its thinking center is human. Policy to nature shall be led to serve an office to human behalf. Environmental moral view antroposentrisme's one is called also as human centered ethic, since supposes morl's position and role environment that centrally on man. Therefore no wonder if in focus attention in this view lays in welfare step-up and kebahagian is man in universe. Nature is seen just as object, tool and medium for saturated requirement and man behalfs. Nature thus seen as by tool for attainment to the effect man.
Review critical up antroposentrisme's theory.

Antroposentrisme is gone upon on philosophy view that mengklaim that thing that gets moral nuance just apply on man. Man at glamourizes as that have highest point and most important in this life, go away overshot all other being. Teaching already place man as center as a this universe system have made arogan to nature, by makes as object to be exploited.

Antroposentrisme really gets instrumentalis's character, where is human relationship pattern with nature just confines to instrumental relationship one eye. Nature was seen as by tool accomplishment and man behalf. This theory is reputed sebgai one shallow environmental manner and narrow( shallow environmental ethics).
Antroposentrisme really gets teologis's character [1] since judgment that is taken for care to nature is gone upon on effect of that action for man behalf. Nature conservation e.g., just is lionized thing insofar that has impact to advantage divides kepentinmgan man.

antroposentrisme's theory was accused as one of cause for its happening environment crisis. View this is man causative braves to do eksploitatif's action to nature, with deplete natural resources for the benefit it. Environmental care just appearance in as much as concerning with human behalf, and it even more a lot of gets bearing with short-range behalf only.

Although criticism a lot of is let fly to antroposentrisme's theory, but actually argument which is at in its cukupm as base as strength divides care attitude development to nature. Man needs good hidupn environment, therefore for the benefit its life, man has to do bit pets and keep up its environments. Lack for on this theory lays in pendasaran darin action gives attention on nature, that don't be gone upon on consciousness and admitting will mark sense ontologis's point [ii] one that proprietary by that nature is alone, but just behalf man one eye.

3. Biosentrisme
Biosentrisme's environmental manner is more environmental manner emphasize life as standard as moral. One of its follower figure is kenneth Goodpaster. According to kenneth perceives pleasing or suffering is not intent on itself. Are not leisured or suffering, finally, but ability for living or behalf for living. Behalf for living one has to be made by moral default. So is not just man's and animal one even have morally been priced but also plant. According to Paul Taylor, plant hence and animal morally gets is disadvantaged and or beneficial deep struggle process for their own life, as gets growing and production.

Biosentrisme is a view that place nature as mem's one have point in itself, escape of man behalf. biosentrisme's thus refuses antroposentrisme who declares for that man that have point in itself. Biosentrisme's theory gets that view living being is not just man only. There are many thing and being type lives that has life. Just only, elaborate thing from biosentrisme, or so-called also life centered ethic, lie on the way man comments question: ”What living it?” [iii]  biosentrisme's view goes upon moralitas on higher self life, entah on human or on its life being. Since one becomes cynosure and want to be pled deep cognitive it is life, therefore morally applies prisip that each life at this earth have same moral point, so has to be protected and is saved. Therefore, life each being lives seemly be taken into account serious ala in each decision and moral action, even takes down from judgment benefit to lose for man behalf [iv] 
Review critical up biosentrisme's theory:

Biosentrisme emphasizes to do bit to stemmed nature of that judgment life is something that valuably, well man life and also other species at this earth. Principle or prevailing moral instruction here get as follows been set down: ” are good thing morally that we keep and memacu is life, on the contrary, out of repair if we destroy life ”. 

Biosentrisme sees nature and all its content have degree and point in itself. Nature has to assess just since there is life which is contained at in it. Liabilities to nature shan't be concerned by liabilities to fellow being. Liabilities and accountability to mere nature to be gone upon on that moral judgment all species at universe has to assess on a basic that they have alone life, one that has to be priced and is protected.

Biosentrisme sees man as biologis's being that equals biologis's being another one. Man is seen as one of part just of all life which is at earth, and not such center of all universe. Therefore ala biologis man no difference it with another living being. One of figure which avoid equation pitches upon among man with another living being is Leopold. According to her, man have no deanery same pitches upon by another life being. Viability humaning to get important place in the balance moral which serious. Ahanya just, in order to secure its viability, man doesn't get to do it by sacrifies directness and ecological community continuity. Man can utilize nature the favor it, but she makes a abode to be tied-up by accountability for doesn't sacrify integrity, stability and beauty of another life being. unjtuk settles various claim upstairs criticism question among human with biologis's being another, incorrectly a biosentrisme's figure, Taylor, making distinction among moral agent (agents's moral) and moral subject (subjects's moral). Human moral because she have ability for acting morally, as ability of kindness and freedom mind. Therefore just man that shoulders to do bit and moral accountability on options, and its action. On the contrary, subyk is moral is being who can be treated one good manners or out of repair, and it is meant concerns all being live, including man. Thus all moral agent is also moral subject, but is not all moral subject be moral agent, whereabouts moral agent has to do bit and accountability to them [v].

biosentrisme's theory, the so called also intermediate environmental ethic, shall apprehended with every consideration, notably concern man life and the other life beings at earths it. This theory give wight and same moral judgment to all life being. Herein that respondent nature and all life which is contained at in it has input in the balance and moral care. Man doesn't sacrify another life pitches upon on a basic that grasp nature and all content it not well worth in itself.

4. Ekosentrisme
Ekosentrisme's Environmental manner is titled for manner what does emphasize relevance all being and anorganisme in ecosystem. Each individual in ecosystem is believed relates one by another one ala mutual. Planet earths to terminological this manner view is kind of integral factory, an entire mutually being needs, mutually underpins and each other require. So process life and death has happening and as life manner interior ecosystem. Death and life must being accepted by balance ala. Natural law enables being each other betwixt prey all species. This becomes reason why man may eat elements that is at nature, beastly and also plant. According to one of its figure, John B. Cobb, this manner labour balance among individual behalf with overall behalf in ecosystem. 

Ekosentrisme can be said as sequel of lingkungann biosentrisme's manner theory. If biosentrisme just centralize attention on life the lot, ekosentrisme just centralize attention on exhaustive biologis's community, well the living one and also not. This view is gone upon on that grasp ecological ala, well life being and also another antibiotic objects mutually concerning one same another. So ekosentrisme, besides in line with biosentrisme whereabouts both same averse antroposentrisme's view also range ecological community the lot. So ekosentrisme, strove for same moral responsibility for all reality biologis.

Review critical up ekosentrisme's theory:
Ekosentrisme, the so called also deep environmental ethics, progressively other dipulerkan denganversi afters introduced by Arne Naes, a Norwegian philosopher with calls as Deep Ecology [vi] this is a new paradigm about nature and all its content. Attention is not just get center on human but on living being the lot in terms effort settle environment problem. Man is not again center of moral the world. Deep Ecology centralizes attention to all life at earths it, are not just behalf all ecology community.

Arne Naes even also utilize ecosophy's terminology to give pendasaran philosophy on deep ecology. “Delicious ” family matter and “ sophy ” wisdom or wisdom matter. Therefore ecosophy means wisdom in manage life in harmony with nature as one family in extensive mean. In ecosophy's view appears to mark sense a shift of a only one knowledges (science) as one wisdom (wisdom). In this mean, environment not only just as one knowledge but one wisdom, one way of living, one pattern lives in harmony with nature. This is trick to look after and pets lingjkungannya arid's ala, within reason one family.

Deep ecology follows prisip biospheric egalitarianism, which is confession that all being and life being is membered same its state of an entire one relate so have same dignities. This concerns a that confession rights for living and effloresce for all being (well hayati and also nonhayati) are one rights univerval that can't be ignored.

Deep ecology's attitude to environmentally very clear, not only centralize attention on adulterating impact for man health, teapi also on life as a whole. Approaching that is done in face various issue environment doesn't get antroposentris's character, but biosentris and even ekosentris. Universe content be not been seen just as sumberdaya and assesses it of economic function one eye. Nature shall be seen also darisegi assesses and culture function, social, spiritual, medical and biologis.

B.Earth as unitary as ecosystem
To develop view that progressively teapat to understanding needful environment one getting better about situation and keberlangsungan a variety happening life coat this earth. Attitude to environmentally also constitute attitude that directly or indirect, realize or stoned be led to at alone ream and mankind the lot. That thing happening because earth constitutes a hayati's variety that dependent each other one by another one.

1.Ecosystem earths
Ecosystem (of oikos's greek word = house, and systema = entire) intended as a life element one environment (being), one that constitutes one system, namely overall one most at r on sectioned one mutually concerning, and interplay. Earth can be viewed as a big ecosystem per se it exists various smaller ecosystem, there is ocean ecosystem, forest ecosystem, mountain ecosystem, river ecosystem, beach area ecosystem, etcetera. All that ecosystem ranges all life form that is at in it, one that interacting each other and interplay, so all biosphere, or all life coat constitutes one ecosystem earth.

2. Man just as one of elemental
Although man constitutes being the most go forward, but man only constitutes one of life coat that happens at this earth, are not moreover. Man have no absolute independency, whereabouts don't mengalamim direct influence or indirect of its vicinity environment. Fact that can't at argues that there is relationship and mutually influence among human and its environment. Man can regard its environment, conversely also, environmentally must regard man. If damage environment therefore man life will be threatened, and in the end can destroyed.

3. Role humaning to environmentally
According to geographers, that this our earth have gotten age 5 billion years. Two billion first year haven't available lifes on it since earth that time just comprise of nonliving objects as batbatuan, gas, and mote. But earth gets dynamic character with happens it processes as: tektonik's move, vulkanik, changing climate etcetera. That prose's process have destructive energy at a swoop konstruktif, change at a swoop strengthens. Every thing silih's happening shifts in kurun so long time.

Of happening dynamic process earth, appearance in this beings patronising base items live, as hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2). With marks sense that elements begins life appearance at earths it, estimated around 3 billion last years. Initially forms aught life be still confine to plant and animal type low level. Via prose dynamic, more or less 2 million last years, come into the world new being type that named human. Man has to rack brains and nervous system who can result the will and feel, so makes it more can conform and last in situated its environment, even can also look for alternative for adapts and manage its environment piecemeal. 

Thus therefore man not only accept influence of its environment, but also give influence that progressively long time the greater to nature. Human present gets to enrich dynamic process earths already happen since early its existence. Ability racks brains man in new think up to find technology that progressively medley take in influence impact outgrows to nature. Man can dry ocean, creating rain etcetera. Can be said that earth nevermore experience that dynamic process on itself, but have involved manusian and life being in processes interaction that interplay. That influence will the greater in line with nun [of] time. Just just role's and influence that pointed out by man to nature doesn't help amends nature to aim perfection. Human intervention have taken in negative impact to nature, and a variety coat life at in it.

C. Human unity with its Environment

1.Influence sorts Nature
As well as another life being, man continually gets interaction with its environment. Man regards its environment, conversely, it also being regarded by its environment. As is man, which is fenotipenya formed by interaction among Genotipe and its environment. Genotipe not also constant, but perpetually experiences changing since mark sense mutation to mark sense mutation on gene in its chromosome, well spontanous mutation and also mutation because environment influence.

With happening gene mutation, therefore man, although just comprise of one type, which is gay msapiens, but variety (diversity) genotipenya really outgrows. This happening on human forbear where with marks sense genotipenya's variety therefore opportunity openended outgrows to its happening nature selection.

That selection happening passes through nature factor, and of course also via cultural social force. Happening fact Just individual suitably or gets to conform by its environment can amends. Thing that is that espouse man evolution of its forbear, Australopithecus africanus, as modern man, sapiens's gay.

2.Picture domiciles Man in environments
Place domiciles man be intermediated by environment it can be seen of two facets:
First: of behavioural structure facet and ability.
Can be sorted as follows:
· Inorganic level (off object): just have weight and style, move don't alone willingness settle.
· Plant levels: have had life to get growing, but is still dependent on tries a fall her outboard.
· Animal level: there is life and growth, there is spirit and the will that bases regularity (insting,instinct).
· Human level: having equipment as being of life that gets the will and discreet kindness, one that thus principally gets to have done terminological willingness thyself. 
This thread get as follows been figured:
Animal level
Organic level
Inorganic level
Source: Fredy Buntaran, OFM, Sister Earths...,
In this view man lies on superordinate than object position or another being.
Both of: Of position facet in entirely ecosystem get as follows been figured: 
Source; Fredy Buntaran, OFM, Sister Earths

In image upon visible that man is at another elements, are not above and nor under another one. In view all element forms an ecosystem circle that gets bearing each other. Man and elements anothering to give contribution to all ecosystem of its place each. Position as this is that more reflect relationship among elements in an interdependence relationship each other.

D. Developing Concept in point about environment
Of many explanation hit manner theory about environment, added by picture hits relationship and man position in universe, need formulated a grasp and getting better attitude and accounts for to environment. Grasp that progressively correct is understanding one push on attitude and behaviour that progressively secures keberlangsungan all life process that exists in this universe, including amongst those, man.

1. Environmental manner theories
Was described about drd manners main theory environmental: antroposentrisme, biosentrisme and ekosentrisme. Drd it is same strove for liabilities and man accountability to nature. Antroposentrisme, there are many is accused as source of its happening exploits environment. But this theory regular charges man readiness to pet its environment. biosentrisme's theory, centralizing attention on the whole life which have point on itself, attention is not just be attributed to man but also to other living being besides man. ekosentrisme's theory offer grasp that progressively is equal to about environment. Expanded moral care, so ranges ecological community the lot, well the living one and also not. Ekosentrisme that progressively been expanded deep deep ecology and ecosophy, really excite man grasp about behalf all ecological community. Deep ecology charges a new manner that don't get to center to man, but gets center on the whole life in terms effort settle environment problem. One that as moral the world center is not just again man, but all species, including non-human species. Deep ecology is not just a only philosophical grasp about environment, but one konkrit's movement and practical environment saving. This is view which better we develop consistently.

2. Deep ecology and its development
ekosentrisme's concept gets to be expanded and is deepened theory thru deep ecology, as it were popularized by Arne Naess, one that call basic of its philosophy about environment as ecosophy, namely wisdom manages to live in harmony with nature. Human thus wittingly full, asked for to build a kindness and the will wisdom, a life style that progressively in harmony with nature.
There is 8 deep ecology's principles that can see as view that averagely been followed by deep ecology's supporting.
  1. Welfare and is fine from manusiawi's life and also life is not manusiawi at earths, having intrinsik's point. This point not pending of useful don't it the world be not manusiawi for the purpose man.
  2. Wealth and life form varieties, menyumbangkan to materialize it this point and constitutes alone points.
  3. Man don't deserve to reduce wealth and this variety, but to meet the need vital.
  4. Are fine from life and man culture can be geared by reduced its substansia's ala population. Be fine life is not manusiawi requires to be reduced its that population.
  5. Human interference with world non-human now outsize, and situation deteriorates with quick.
  6. In consequence common policy shall changed. That policy concern basic structures at economic area, technology and ideology. Evoked situation as it were result it will variably exhaustively with present structures.
  7. Changing ideological is particularly price life quality (its mean, man can stay behind deep situation which valuably inheren), and doesn't get to hold on life default that excelsior. Will arise visceral consciousness will difference among big(=amount) and great(=quality).
  8. They who agree items in advance honor bound straightforward and indirect to labour arrange changing one need.
Man just can utilize this nature after utility on her while paying attention regular being petted of it environment continuity. Harmony that really and balance that healthy among man requirement and preservation environmentally charges also nature rout by human tech wisdom. Because of two following extreme attitudes have to be refused: First, see and treats nature in as much as good for man and gain control it in as much as enabled by technology ability one eye; and the second one is, ism ’ nature mysticism ’ in as much as that ism looks on that this the world has to be accepted pitches upon and may not at what apakan by man. Both of view it is first, memutlakkan interferes man to nature, and the second one refuses absolutely man interference to nature.

3. Human correct position deep.
Deep ecology's view estimable because place man as part of nature. View ekosentrisme can also insofar correct that view not undone man of nature. Nature really have intrisik's point, that don't cling to its benefit for man. But then, we need also realistic see that teknokratis's approaching have taken in benefit that not necessarily even not necessarily been removed again. One that has to be refused is teknokratis's approaching that wreck nature and not pets it. On the contrary, if we accept ekosentrisme, we may not fall deep extreme other, which is ” ekofasisme ”, whereabouts man as individual is sacrified to nature as overall as [vii]  Just man that our naming ’ persona ” that have special dignity, that don't be had by another life being. Biospherical egalitarianisme cannot be right if slated as equation of dignity all being lives.

Admitting that whole being has deep point itself, including in such event human, may not take in degree cut back consequence and man dignity as the one only of being at earths it who have kindness and free will mind. But then special dignity imposition to human person, few unreduced nature dignity even, but just increased. With idiosyncrasy that its proprietary, man becomes being the one only live that has a moral responsibility, to itself and also its environment. Therefore, via man, nature is in control of try fortune.