Rabu, 28 November 2012

Contamination of Environment

Environment and impact sacrilege its for man to become topic that get main attention lately. It is caused because getting damage it that human activity effect environment alone.

Environment sacrilege is cover water sacrilege, earth and impacted air to man and another life being.

1. Water sacrilege
As one I writes in advance about water sacrilege impact to man, this water sacrilege begat by family waste rubbish dump into an river, laundry's waste, industrial waste and another one gets to poison even deadening and botanical along hundreds meters. Besides it also river water seepage also contaminate well water along streaming an river it. 

2. Soiled sacrilege
Soiled sacrilege because of family waste discharge and industry. Alone family waste is divided as 2 a part, namely organic waste and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste who can be decomposed by earth via the process of obsolence as paper, leaf, vegetable rest, wood, etc.. And inorganic waste is waste that can't or hard decomposed by earth, as plastic as, iron, glass, rubber and another.

Besides water buangan detergen and chemical substance of agricultural (for example: insektisida) can also evoke earth sacrilege.

Effects soiled sacrilege inorganic waste discharge and material chemical another get to down earth fecundity and accordingly plant will slow its growth. 

3. Air sacrilege
Pencemar airs to get gaseous and particle. Its example as follows.

a. HzS's gas. This gas gets poison character, available at flaming mountain area, can also be resulted of petroleum burn and smoulder stone.
b. CO's gas and COz. Carbon monoxide (CO) colourless and odorless, get toxicant character, constituting imperfect burn result of material buangan car and explosive machine. COZ'S gas in total ozone 0,03%. If exceed tolerance can trouble respiration. Besides, over C02 gas excessive at earth can tie-up the sun heat so hot earth temperature. Global instillation at earths C02'S effect is called also as effect of greenhouse.
c. SOZ'S particle and NO2. Both of particle it stands up with particle moltening to form dew, forming cloud near soiled one gets to trouble respiration. Solid particle, e.g. bacteria, xylariaceae, virus, fur, and pollen can also trouble health.
d. Petrify smoulder that contain sulphur via burn will result dioxide sulphur. Dioxide sulphur stands up with to air and oxygen and the sun shines gets to result acid sulphur. Acid it form fog and a while will fall the so called as rain acid rain. Acid rain can cause trouble on human, animal, and also plant. E.g. respiration trouble, changing morphology on leaf, bar, and seed.

Pollution source airs other get to come from radioactive material radiation, e.g., nuclear. After nuclearic detonation, radioactive material turns in at atmosphere and laid low at earth. this radioactive material that terakumulusi will at soiled, water, animal, plant, and also on man. Nuclearic adulterating effect to living thing, in given level, can cause mutation, a variety abnormality effect disease gene, and even death.

Stated air sacrilege with ppm (part per million) with the meaning total cm3 polutan per m3 airs.

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